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Sunday, September 22, 2024


Mary’s Ride

By Carol M. McDowell

I think I know what Mary felt as she travelled the countryside,

Full of hope, full of pain and so weary from the long, dusty ride;

Perhaps a bit of fear at what lay ahead, as her head would nod;

Would she be the mom He’d really need, this special gift from God?

But, Joseph, she knew would be a good father and teach “their” young son,

Still, how would she face the day she knew deep in her heart would come?

He’d leave her side, as at 12, to fulfill His true purpose in life.

What would she do without “her heart” or Joseph gone, not be a wife?


Could she bear the deep pain of loss yet standing bravely at His side?

So many thoughts and feelings and so many miles left to ride.

For now, she’d focus on the joy of meeting this Son she’d soon bear;

She’d leave the rest in God’s loving hands-knowing all was safer there.


 (Dedicated to my best friend of 30 years who passed away Dec. 2, Bernadette Titerence)


McDowell writes from Erma.

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