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Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Dad’s Donations

By Herald Staff

My family has decided to start celebrating the gift of giving again. The last three years has been rough after losing my father.
And as I’m growing up, I have started to build hard feelings against Christmas because I feel like society has turned Christmas into one big, over-commercialized shopping/spending frenzy.
I’m tired of seeing Christmas decorations up in stores day after Halloween. It’s like people forgot what Christmas is really all about because they want you to spend spend spend! Society has made a mockery of Christmas.
The point is to celebrate the birth of Jesus, making memories with friends and family, not getting a new iPhone and Xbox every year. I always recall, on Christmas as a kid, my dad would ask for world peace… well, he got power tools (he used them and built homes for people).
As I’m getting older, I’m beginning to wish for the same thing my dad did, as that would make me the happiest, especially with the career I’m going into. He was also a man of giving and helping others. So we came to a decision to do something new in his name.
Dad’s Donations will be a new tradition where we take two names of less fortunate kids off the tree and get them everything on their Christmas list. We did 12-14 year-olds because they seem to be forgotten. Our 12-year-old boy wanted a bike, our 14-year-old girl wanted a coat and some new PJs and workout clothes.
Our family feels as though we have enough “material” in our lives but helping others’ wishes come true is a far better feeling of Christmas spirit. We have even inspired others to join us.
So in honor of all who do a little extra for those with little, we thank you. Merry Christmas.
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Tabitha Lex writes from Court House.

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