By Chie Li Ee, DMD, PA and Alexandra Bosley
When it comes to oral cancer, your best defense is education, prevention and early detection. You may think to yourself, “I’d know if I needed to get screened for oral cancer!” But this disease is a quiet killer. Of the 40,000 people who are affected by oral cancer every year, one in four of them had no risk factors when diagnosed. That’s a startling statistic! But it can be improved simply by prevention and early detection. That is why the month of April is dedicated to educating people about the risks and prevention of oral cancer.
Those at increased risk for oral cancer include anyone ages 40 and over, and anyone ages 18-39 combined with tobacco use (smoked or smokeless), chronic alcohol use, sun exposure and oral HPV infection. The highest risk group includes those ages 65 and older with the previously mentioned lifestyle risks and a previous oral cancer diagnosis. If you have any of these risk factors, early detection could save your life. While oral cancer may begin silent and symptomless, once the cancer spreads, the five-year survival rate is only about 53 percent. But when detected in its early stages, that number sky rockets to 80-90 percent! The numbers don’t lie—early detection really does save lives. The first step you can take is participating in an enhanced oral cancer screening like Vizilite Plus®.
Vizilite Plus® is a simple, painless procedure that involves a rinse and the use of a light wand to detect tissue abnormalities that may go undetected during a standard visual exam. If an unusual area is noticed during the exam, further testing may be necessary. A tissue biopsy may be needed in order to establish a final diagnosis and to determine treatment. By detecting these anomalies early on, you almost double your chance of survival; but you have to take that first step.
Through lifestyle changes and annual screenings you have the power to decrease your chances of getting oral cancer. We at Cape May Dental Associates are committed to providing the best care possible for all of our patients and are especially focused on early detection and prevention of all oral diseases. So ask your hygienist at your next check-up about the Vizilite Plus® oral cancer screening. For more information, call (609) 884-5335 or visit
North Cape May – Another shout out to Officer Bohn, the school resource officer at LCMR. I admire his hard work and devotion to the students and staff as I see him every morning and afternoon, snow, wind , sleet or…