If we both (you and I) ate a cannabis-infused gummy bear at the same time, would we feel the effects simultaneously? Yes and no.
The human body metabolizes (uses) marijuana at different rates. A gummy bear, or whatever cannabis-infused edible product you choose to consume, may affect you win 30-40 minutes but may affect me in two hours.”
When someone eats cannabis as opposed to smoking or vaping, the effects occur more slowly. It takes about 20 minutes to two hours before someone feels it or knows that it is working. This delay has caused people to consume more than what is recommended because they believed that it was not working or was strong enough.
They ended up having to go to bed to ride it out somewhere. Eating a high-fat meal will help absorb the drug and possibly shortening the effects.
Smoking cannabis is known to last for about two to three hours. However, eating cannabis can last four to eight hours, depending on the consumed dose. It is important to know the dose of the product you are eating. Once it is eaten, it cannot be taken back.
Most edibles are 10mg doses, which is the normal starting dose. Wait at least two hours between doses. If someone gives you a brownie or a cookie cooked with cannabis, be sure to know the approximate dose per cookie.
Dr. Rodney Brunson is located at 201 Tilton Rd., Northfield, NJ 08225. Call (609) 484-7000 for more information.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?