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Saturday, September 7, 2024


Are You a Candidate for Upper Eyelid Surgery?

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Over time, our skin stretches, sags, creases and folds. While it’s a natural effect of aging, it can be a medical problem when it happens to our eyelids. Sagging upper eyelids can severely limit peripheral vision.
Fortunately, there’s medical help in the form of eyelid surgery. Blepharoplasty is an outpatient procedure that removes excess tissue and lifts the skin. At Atlantic Eye Center, it’s done without a knife.
“We use radio frequency to excise the excessive skin, not a scalpel,” explained Dr. Michael Caruso, ophthalmic physician and surgeon at Atlantic Eye Center. “There is little to no bleeding.”
Causes of Sagging Upper Eyelids
Genetic predisposition in your family is one cause of sagging upper eyelids. Another is lifestyle and environment, such as people who have worked outside for many years.
Age is another contributing factor. Over the years, the movements that we make with our eyes—blinking, squinting and facial expressions—take their toll. Facial aging starts with “crow’s feet,” wrinkles on the side of the eyes. Then, the wrinkles start to extend across the lower eyelid and into the upper eyelid. The skin there becomes lax; the muscles weaken. Eventually, the eyes have a hooded appearance. The lower lids also sag, creating “permanent” bags. Sagging upper eyelids interfering with your vision is a gradual process.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. Caruso will conduct a visual field test “with and without tape.” The test with the tape simulates post-surgical results. Dr. Caruso also takes ocular photos of the eyes individually and together.
If the medical diagnosis for sagging upper eyelids is made, the office contacts the patient’s insurance to get clearance for eyelid surgery. Insurance will cover the operation as long as the problem is interfering with a patient’s vision.
The surgical procedure takes about 20 minutes. Patients are sedated and require transportation home. A certain degree of swelling is normal. Patients are given an antibiotic ointment and instructions for applying an icepack. They are back to work and their normal activities within a couple of days.
White dissolvable sutures are used minimizing any scarring. There is a post-op appointment 5-7 days following the procedure. A second post-op appointment is done to evaluate final results. There is no pain post-op.
When Eyelid Surgery Is Not Recommended
Not everyone is a candidate for eyelid surgery. Good health is a prerequisite.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call (609) 465-1616.

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