Thursday, February 6, 2025


An All Natural, Drug-Free Approach For Thyroid Sufferers

Dr. Olivieri Hi-Res

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Thyroid disease affects over 20 million people here in the United States alone.
For several years, Dr Robert Olivieri, DC of Cape May County has been working almost exclusively with women who suffer from thyroid symptoms despite their lab test results being normal.
“My practice now consists mainly of women who have no where else to go. They are tired, cranky, don’t sleep well and overweight,” says Dr. Olivieri.
What most sufferers don’t realize is that close to 80% of thyroid cases nowadays are autoimmune in nature. It’s called Hashimotos Thyroiditis and it is often undiagnosed.
“Only 10-15% of the time is the gland itself the problem. If that is the case, all a woman needs is a T4 hormone and they are good to go, but for the vast majority, they will need the medication plus nutritional and diet intervention in order to calm down the fire, so to speak.”
As a chiropractor with an advanced specialty in nutrition and neurology, Dr. Olivieri believes that performing specific metabolic tests to determine what is deficient or over reacting is key. These tests are not performed routinely.
“We look at women’s adrenal glands with a saliva or urine test and are able to supplement with really powerful botanicals in order to stimulate them into working better. There are no drugs out there to help the adrenals work better.”
So why is a chiropractor treating thyroid disease? Dr. Olivieri emphasizes that he is not treating the disease.
“That’s what their MD is for,” he says. “The medications can be life savers and women should not take themselves off of them. It’s my job to help modulate the thyroid gland nutritionally.”
“There is presently a ground swell of all types of healthcare professionals from Medical Doctors to Chiropractic Physicians around the country following Dr. Kharrazians thyroid protocols. These protocols can be very effective but can also be really complex. Over the last few years I spent many hours of continuing education understanding how to implement this new information.
What is it that Olivieri is doing differently than your local endocrinologist or medical doctor? They prescribe medication to help treat the disease. Working in conjunction with them, Dr. Olivieri use specific diagnostic testing to help establish proper diet, nutrition and supplementation to help boost the patient’s immune system as part of his Feel Great in Eight Institute Thyroid Support protocol.
Dr. Olivieri says it is a very rewarding way of practicing and has developed his Feel Great Institute based on these principles. “I can actually see patient’s lives improve on a weekly basis. It makes me look forward to coming to work each day.”
Dr. Olivieri can be reached at (609) 886-8585.

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