CAPE MAY – One of South Jerseys most accomplished vocalist, Gina Roche has performed throughout the U.S. as well as the South America and the Caribbean. Just part of her many influences, her time in South America and the Caribbean has developed and defined her song writing and vocal style.
Gina always brings the area finest as her support musicians and for the Vespers concert, Gina will be joined the great Jim Ridl on piano. Gina is always a Vespers favorite. Gina’s latest critically acclaimed release “Thankfully” will be available at the performance.
Don’t miss this great show by one of South Jersey’s most talented vocalists and entertainers. Her wonderful voice and extraordinary stage presence guarantees a terrific show.
The concert begins at 3 p.m. No reservations are required but Vespers concerts are frequently SRO, so coming a little early is suggested. Doors open at 2:20 p.m. Limited free parking is available. A $10.00 minimum donation is suggested. Wheelchair accessible. Call 576-1841 or visit for more information.
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…