Monday, January 13, 2025


Antiques – Taking an Antique Safari


By Arthur Schwerdt

The Cape May County Zoo has a wonderful, and well-deserved, reputation. But it isn’t the only animal act around here. Each one of the county’s local antique shops, about forty of them in all, is a virtual menagerie.
Just make it a point to notice. You’ll find figurines, artwork, dishes, vases, toys and other collectibles all featuring animals. There are domestic animals, barnyard animals, fish, game and wildlife, insects and butterflies. There are even mythological and cartoon animals. It’s possible that nearly one-half of any antique shop’s inventory features some animal or other.
Why so many? It’s no mystery; a great many people have collected and decorated with animal motifs over the years. In fact, the earliest art work we know are cave drawings of animals.
We collect animals because we admire the attributes associated with them. Squirrels are thrifty, bees and beavers are industrious, otters are playful, lions are self-confident, elephants are powerful, eagles are watchful, owls are wise.
Sometimes fate will link us with an animal through the zodiac as a ram, a bull, a sideling crab. There’s also that Asian zodiac, the animals on the Chinese restaurant placemats. Are you a monkey? A boar? A dragon? Whatever you are could wind up on your jewelry.
Often we just admire certain animals or birds for their beauty, or how well they accent our décor – stately dogs, aristocratic horses, haughty roosters, colorful peacocks. At a shore home, fish, shellfish or shore birds bring the outdoors inside all summer long. And then there are those animals we keep around just because they make us smile.
Collecting animals can be affordable whimsy or serious investment and everything in between. While you’re making up your mind, take a nature walk or, better yet, make it a safari through your local antique shops and see what animals bring out the animal in you.
NOTE: I will be at Teaberry Marketplace on Route 9 in Clermont on Sat., May 19 to appraise what you bring in from 11 a.m. on. It’s a huge place with lots to see, and you can always have a tasty lunch or snack while you’re waiting at the Avalon Coffee café.
Also, don’t miss the official opening of the summer antiques season at the annual Avalon Memorial Day Weekend Antique Show in the town’s Community Hall on Sat., May 26. I’ll be there, too, to appraise your things, and the whole thing benefits our local hospital.
At these tw
o events I’ll be taking pictures of what I see for future columns. Attend them both. And bring along your favorite animal.
Arthur Schwerdt, a certified appraiser, is the author of “The Antique Story Book: Finding the Real Value of Old Things,” and co-owner of The August Farmhouse Antiques on Route 9 in Swainton. Send your comments, questions and appraisal requests to:

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