Do you love science and history? Do you have a couple hours a week to share that love with others? On Saturday, June 8, the Cape May Point Science Center will hold a Volunteer Information session from 1 to 2:30 p.m. for local people interested in being docent guides and helping with special public events. Come learn about how you can get involved in interpretation at the Science Center. Also on Saturday, June 8 starting at 8:30 p.m., our ever-popular Stargazing event will take place. This will be the first of two stargazing programs in June. On Saturday, June 22, it will include a special viewing of the full moon, our closest celestial body!
From June 9 to 13, don’t be surprised if you see some unusual bicycles from yesteryear on the streets of Cape May Point as The Wheelman hold their annual, national meetup at the Science Center. On Monday, June 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., come by the Science Center for a self-guided tour of our historic and science exhibits, get a closer look at these “highwheelers” and learn more about the evolution of the bicycle and the importance of person-powered transportation historically, today and for the future.
Mark your calendars for other June events including the start of our Third Thursday Lunchtime Lecture Series on Thursday, June 20 from 12 to 1 p.m. Rae Griffiths, Co-coordinator of Cape May County for the New Jersey Bluebird Society will present Let’s talk about Bluebirds.
For more information about these programs and to purchase tickets, visit our website at