WOODBINE – Join in with the Borough of Woodbine in celebrating the upcoming holiday season.
Dec. 8, 2017, the Borough will be hosting its annual Christmastime parade, sponsored by the Woodbine Volunteer Fire Company.
The parade will begin at 6 p.m. and line up will start at 5 p.m. along Bryant Street.
The parade route will be the same as on previous years: starting on Bryant head south onto Washington continue to Clay Street, head east on Clay to Heilprin Avenue continue north on Heilprin then proceed west on DeHirsch Avenue stopping at the Firehouse.
Categories for prizes will be: Best appearing Fire Company, Best appearing Rescue Squad; Best appearing Float; Best Marching Unit.
Santa will join the Mayor in lighting the Christmas Tree on the bikepath and then conclude the evening at the Firehouse where refreshments will be served and trophies awarded while Santa visits with the children. (Please: no other “Santas” present in the various floats, etc.)
“We invite all local fire, rescue, and other first responders, as well as marching bands, floats, and other organizations to register and participate in this season-starting celebration,” invited Mayor Pikolycky.
For further information and to register call Jeanette at (609) 861-2464; if no answer please leave message.
Villas – I really am wondering how the last 4 years impacted those who said it was so bad. My life , I have health insurance, did not change, my life did not change. Covid was the big thing that Biden was…