Looking for adventure this summer? Check out the programs offered through the Cape May County Technical School District’s Summertime Adventures for Kids, a hands-on program for youngsters 9 to 14 years old.
Improve critical thinking skills with Strategy Games Odyssey: 2009 or find our how cars work by building a mousetrap dragster.
Try your hand at woodworking, experience what goes on behind the scenes in a TV studio, or embark on a marine adventure in the salt marsh.
Summertime Adventures offers two one-week sessions: July 13 to 17 and July 20 to 24.
For more information or to register, call the school, 609-465-2161 x 646 or stop by the Toft Building, Room 145, during school hours.
Information is also available online at www.capemaytech.com.
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