SEA ISLE CITY — A free “Introduction to Computers” course will be held June 15, 16, and 17, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Sea Isle Public School, 46th and Park Road.
Local computer professional, Alec Vint, is the course instructor. The introductory classes will cover such topics as e-mail, photos, and staying safe on the computer, according to Vint.
This free course is being underwritten by the taxpayers organization, SICTA.
The school hopes to provide a number of different courses of interest to the community in partnership with other local organizations and the Sea Isle City Recreation Department.
The number of seats is limited. Anyone wishing to reserve a seat for this course should call 263-6359.
Sea Isle City – If you prefer concrete and stone yards because they require less upkeep, that's perfectly fine and your prerogative. But no need to criticize and put down people choosing a more natural yard…