COURT HOUSE – Students seeking help with preparing for college entrance exams or looking to improve math, English and science skills can do so for free with the online study program.
In addition to test preparation materials and self-paced study programs, the site offers seven full-length free practice tests for both the SAT and ACT as well as an entire section dedicated to science, technology, engineering and math coursework.
March2Success, a public service provided by the U.S. Army, offers guides to walk users through the entire college application process and also has a monitoring tool for parents and educators to track student progress, test scores and completed lessons.
“March2Success is the Army’s gift to public education,” said Tony Castillo, chief of education for U.S. Army Recruiting Command at Fort Knox, Kentucky. “We want students to stay in school and be qualified for life, whether they decide to join the Army or not. We want them to have every opportunity to become productive members of society.”
The free online academic readiness program, featuring curriculum designed by Peterson’s and the College Options Foundation, provides students easy access to test preparation materials to help improve their scores on standardized tests, like state exit exams, college entrance exams and military entrance exams.
While March2Success does offer assistance with improving scores on standardized tests, which includes the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, this program is not part of a military recruiting effort, according to Castillo. There is no obligation to use the service, and no personal information is collected or shared.
“More than 70 percent of today’s youth do not qualify for military service, and low aptitude accounts for nearly 10 percent of disqualifications,” said Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Snow, commanding general for U.S. Army Recruiting. “So, yes, this program can help increase the number of young people who are eligible for military service, but more importantly, it helps improve the opportunities for success for all students, regardless of their desired career path.”
The STEM tab alone provides tools to improve skills for a variety of career paths. It offers support for those interesting in improving skills in economics, financial accounting, calculus and physics, and it also offers nursing entrance exam practice test for PAX-RN, PSB Registered Nursing School Aptitude, and more.
Site content includes self-paced study programs in math, English and science, with materials focused primarily on grades 8 to 12. is available for free to anyone over the age of 13.
For additional information on March2Success or to request an interview with an education specialist in the local area, contact Michael Halloran at 732-801-9569 or
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