Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Faith Matters Writer Bids Farewell

Rachel Rogish

By Rachel Rogish

I’ve never liked to say goodbye. As a child, I would hide in a closet, clothes hamper, or just about anywhere to avoid saying those words.  

I grew up as a “pk,” a pastor’s child, and when the time came to bid a certain ministry adieu, the reluctance to say goodbye grew stronger.  

Yet, as an adult (on most days), one cannot hide among clothes in the refuge of a dim closet. I look out at the vast expanse of the sea and notice something curious: The tide.  

The tide teaches us that goodbye isn’t forever. Tiny waves lap against the sand, only to reappear with the next current. As the poet Edmund Spenser wrote, “For whatsoever from one place doth fall, Is with the tide unto an other brought: For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought.”  

The current of life is taking me to New England. Connecticut, to be precise. In May, I will marry my best friend, Richard, the love of my life, who came quite unexpectedly into my life last summer. We fell in love by the sea, and now I will exchange the shore with the bustle of an urban scene.  

I’ve called Cape May County my home for 10 years. Within the microcosm of the Wildwoods, I found myself after a turbulent early 20s. Well, truthfully, God found me and showed me who I am. He didn’t answer every question but gave me enough light to take the next step.  

The Herald was brave enough – bless their hearts – to take on a “newbie,” in 2014, who longed to write but needed a lot of polishing! I stand indebted to Al Campbell, Preston Gibson, Art Hall, and Erin Ledwon. They never gave up on me, as I learned the fine art of journalism, digging for answers, and the shady side of local politics.  

Oh, I’ve met incredible people along this journey. I witnessed communities in turmoil and transition, in neighborly love and quarrels. I’ve interviewed the best and brightest, the reluctant and disgruntled. I’ve seen great kindness and great avarice.  

When Faith Matters began, in 2020, rumors of a 19th coronavirus rumbled across the world. How could a fledgling column possibly survive the impact of a global pandemic, as notable publications struggled to keep the lights on?  

Faith Matters grew little by little – the word spread as the stories circulated. A “new kid” appeared on the block and, miraculously, interest grew! Our stories matter. Faith is alive and well in Cape May County.  

We’ve come through dark days. We are changed, but the essentials remain like the rolling tide.  

You all have inspired and challenged me to be a better Christian, person, and writer. Rest assured that I will carry your stories with me into this new chapter! A part of my inward self will remain here among the dunes, pines, and water’s edge.   

Thank you for reading and for being a part of Faith Matters! Thank you for helping me find the courage to say goodbye. Salt may sting our eyes, but we can set our faces toward the sun and know that God is true, his word steadfast.  

After all, endings are only beginnings in disguise. 

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