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Friday, October 18, 2024


As For Me and My House

Matthew Maher.

By Matthew Maher

When we look at the world today, we see a culture which has put a distorted filter on men. What I mean by that is how most media platforms, from TV sitcoms to Hollywood cinema, have portrayed men as detached, stunted doofuses.
Not to mention, the societal pressures to feminize men or portray them as the laughingstocks of the family, the proverbial, weak-minded pushovers. The modern-day depiction repeatedly creates the image of a slouch, who sits on the couch, beer in hand, oblivious to everything around him except the glaring sports program on his 90-inch flat screen. 
Meanwhile, the sophisticated, competent wife has it all together, “bringing home the bacon and frying it up in a pan and never letting you forget you’re a man” (Oh, how this jingle has become even more ridiculous because according to 2019 cultural norms, no one cares about you being a man).
Most importantly, it seems this laissez-faire attitude about men has pervaded the church, where no one is tending to the challenge of biblical manhood. While the forces of evil (yes, Satan really does exist), in cooperation with the world’s media, has gradually emasculated the man, it is the church’s responsibility to spiritually and practically stimulate the man.
From where? The word of God and through the God of the word, and according to the example of the word made flesh, which is God in Jesus.
With all that being said, it is my heart’s conviction and compulsion to challenge and charge men to step into the office of manhood. It is time to consider there are too many males in the church and not enough men.
I do not apologize for my candor. In fact, I boldly proclaim the truth of my Savior, which is timeless. He desires us to step into our role as husbands, fathers, and leaders, and then watch as the home goes, so goes the society. In fact, I believe most of our societal dysfunctions stem from men not stepping into headship and leading their families.
Consider what Paul writes, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things” (I Corinthians 13:11). The biblical man puts away that which is childish and puts on that which is courageous.
The biblical man puts on Jesus (Romans 13:14). What does this look like?
Jesus focused on His Father’s business by living righteously. He practiced self-control in all situations.
He was His brother’s keeper, always putting a hand out to lift someone up. He walked in humility assured of His standing in His Father’s eyes.
He served others without expectation and He endured through all kinds of tribulations to the point of death on the cross for the sake of mankind. 
Let’s allow Christ to take preeminence in our lives and rely on Him to be our ultimate example, as these are desperate times and the call to action is now.
ED. NOTE: Maher is the teaching pastor at Coastal Christian Ocean City and is president of Soldiers For Faith Ministries. Social media and website: @TruthOverTrend

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