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Thursday, October 17, 2024


Norris – “Clark Chose Politics Over Public Safety”

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At the recent Middle Township Committee meeting held on Aug. 19, the Republican-led majority chose to support Sheriff Bob Nolan, the safety of our residents and the rule of the law. Committeeman Mike Clark chose to support the radical, sanctuary state agenda of Gov. Phil Murphy. Sadly, Mike Clark chose to protect his politic party in Trenton, instead of protecting our residents.
With a 2-1 vote, Township Committee passed a resolution in Support of Sheriff Nolan’s extension of an agreement to cooperate with federal agencies to keep undocumented immigrants, who have committed further criminal offenses, off of our streets. This partnership is classified under (287)g, which instructs federal agencies “to identify and process removable aliens with criminal or pending criminal charges who are arrested by state or local law enforcement agencies.”
This mutual cooperation between federal and local law enforcement provides for the training of certain sheriff’s officers in interfacing and sharing information with Homeland Security to ensure that undocumented immigrants, who have been charged with and/or convicted of serious crimes in our country are identified, and known to our immigration control agencies.
What Sheriff Nolan is reaffirming with this agreement is his oath of office to uphold the law and his commitment to utilizing every legal tool at his disposal to get the job done.
Opponents of this important cooperation have dishonestly characterized this program as allowing ICE to sweep in, and forcibly arrest and deport any undocumented immigrants. This is not true, and such scare tactics only serve to drive undocumented immigrants further into the shadows.
The future status of those who have entered our country illegally, or have overstayed their visas while committing no other crime, is an ongoing debate being held nationally. We should agree that those who are in our country without permission and have committed other crimes punishable by jail time do not belong in our communities.
The dangerous and wrong-headed policy of our governor to strong-arm our Sheriff’s officers into refusing to cooperate with federal law enforcement has led to increased crime and loss of life when implemented in other states. No elected official, sworn to protect and defend the US Constitution and the American people, could rightly oppose such a common-sense measure taken by Sheriff Nolan to improve public safety.
That is exactly what Mike Clark has done, by refusing to support local law enforcement. His politically calculated decision to back his party’s left-wing agenda over the safety of our residents and our police officers is the worst type of partisan politics and must be called out. The voters deserve leaders that put Middle Township first.
Mayor Tim Donohue and Deputy Mayor Ike Gandy chose to stand against the out of touch progressive policies from Trenton, which put political correctness and the governor’s quest for national attention over law and public safety. I join them in standing with Sheriff Bob Nolan. Overall, the highest priority of an elected official is the well-being of our citizens. I promise to support these important legal initiatives, within the sacred confines of our Constitution, to ensures our security and enhance the quality of life for the folks who call Middle Township home.
Ordered and paid for by Norris for Committee – 113 S. 10th St. – Del Haven, NJ 08251

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