COURT HOUSE – Looking for a great chicken barbecue? Make plans to visit the Cape May County 4-H Fair and chicken barbecue July 19, 20, and 21. The event is one of the largest annual events in the county, held at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Court House.
The fair grounds are located on Court House-South Dennis Road, past the Acme and SuperFresh shopping centers.
For over 50 years, residents and visitors of Cape May County have enjoyed a tasty treat that can only be offered at an open-air chicken barbecue.
The 4-H Fair and chicken barbecue is a family affair with something for all members of your family. It is also a time to showcase the hard work and positive efforts of local 4-H youth. Their work includes animal raising with fat lamb and hog auctions, clothes making and food preparation, aquaculture and other activities.
Each 4-H member works to make his or her best effort even better.
The fair is also a time when many locals greet old friends and have a great time.
Concessions and exhibits cover a broad range of interests. 4-H exhibits, shows, and contests serve to highlight good sportsmanship and competition against a standard of excellence.
Make plans to join the fun.
For information about the fair call Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension at 465-5115, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Del Haven – To the Middle Twp. Police administrator who said he was on the outside looking in at the police dept.. You are correct. You have no idea what you are doing and how you make your officers feel. You…