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Friday, September 20, 2024


Students Collect, Will Deliver Food To 50 Families in Time for Christmas

Lower Cape May Regional High School students Bobby Murphy

By Karen Knight

ERMA – Fifty families will receive boxes of food Dec. 22 when students from Lower Cape May Regional (LCMR) High School deliver them for the 30th year during what one staff member describes as one of the “coolest events in the school.” 
Dana Markovitz, a guidance counselor, and advisor to the student council said the students are collecting non-perishable foods now. “We have boxes in the classrooms for canned goods,” she noted. “Some staff and students will also donate money, which we will use to buy the food we need.”
Each box will include a 12-pound turkey and a five-pound bag of potatoes bought with student council funds, she said. The students will sort all the other donated items, and then use donations to even up the items across the 50 boxes. “There are five staff members who have trucks who will help us,” said Markovitz, who is in her fifth year with the drive. “We get boxes from the Lobster House, and the students will buy the turkeys and potatoes from Acme.”
Cape May United Methodist Church lets the students use their facilities to sort through all the items and pack boxes. “It’s close to the Acme, so as the students pack up the boxes, they can go over to the Acme to buy what they need to finish them off.
“While the turkey needs to be eaten right away, there is enough food to last a family for a while,” Markovitz said.
The recipient families are from across the school district, and over the years, some are repeats, some are dropped and others are added, according to Markovitz. Since the program’s beginning, the students have shared with as few as 25 and as many as 80 families, she said, but the last few years have averaged out to about 50.
“One of my favorite aspects of the program is that the students get to deliver the items, which is sometimes very eye-opening for them,” said Markovitz. “It’s totally run by the students and sometimes after they graduate, they’ve told us they continue with philanthropic efforts because of what they do here.”
She noted that some of the school’s clubs will provide presents for some of the families as well.
“This is one of the coolest events in the school,” Markovitz said. “It’s a great way for our students to help our community. It’s nice to see their generosity.”
To contact Karen Knight, email

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