Cape Regional Medical Center reported the following births:
Jaeda Ryan Lee Davido to Brittany Vitullo and Derek Davido of Cape May County, Mar. 6
Joshua Lorenzo Coleman to Idalys Carrion and Jay Coleman of Middle Township, Mar. 6
Jocelyn Renee Butterworth to Angela Allen Butterworth of Wildwood, Mar. 9
Shore Medical Center reported the following births:
Andrew Hunter Hope to Danielle Parsons-Hope and Justin Hope of Petersburg, Feb. 23
Avery Benjamin Shapiro to Janelle Scull and Bradley Shapiro of Wildwood, Feb. 27
Drew Christopher Shustock to Jillian and Christopher Shustock of Seaville, Mar. 2
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…