RIO GRANDE — Customers at the JCPenney in the Rio Grande Shopping Center in December 2008 and April this year helped the 4-H to the tune of $758.33.
On June 17, Manager Scott Franklin and store associates, on behalf of the JCPenney Afterschool Fund, presented a check in that amount to Cape May County 4-H Youth Development.
The department store allowed customers to round purchases up to the next whole dollar.
The Cape May County 4-H Youth Development Program was added to the company’s approved list of charities in 2008. The 4-H Program is part of Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
The purpose of the funds is to provide children in Cape May County with access to life-enriching after school programs. County 4-H agent B.J. Webersinn said, “We in 4-H are very excited about this project and look forward to the opportunity to expand programming for our Cape May County youth. We’re fortunate to be able to work with the JCPenney After School Fund.”
“We realize that the after school issue is a cause close to the hearts and minds of our customers and associates,” said Franklin.
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