Thursday, March 6, 2025


George F. Boyer Museum Makes Room for History


By Lauren Suit

WILDWOOD — At the George F. Boyer Museum, the Wildwood Historical Society houses vintage photos, artifacts and memorabilia, chronicling the various ages of Wildwood, from its merger with Holly Beach City, to the present.
However, finding enough room for all that history is a tough task.
That’s why, about a year ago, the historical society’s board started to look into adding on to the property. The Wildwood Historical Society Executive board members held their official groundbreaking Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. after months of sketching, drawing, planning, bid-ding and applying for necessary permits.
The proposed addition will extend out 24 feet on the north side of the building and 42 feet, he depth of the present building, to provide approximately 1,000 square feet of additional space.
When work is completed, the addition will provide both display and meeting space. Steve Casiello, the general contractor, said work is expected to last about eight weeks and without complications, the new additions should be ready for a projected dedication date in April 2009.
The price tag on the addition is approximately $125,000. In order to help with costs Wildwood Historical Society President Anne Vinci said that a building fund is in place. Those donating $500 or more will have their names places on a plaque on the new addi-tion. She said that currently, donation are $30,000.
The museum will be open throughout the construction phase, operating on its regular winter schedule.
Contact Suit at: (609) 886-8600 ext. 25 or

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