COURT HOUSE– Elijah Skull of Wildwood, has been named the Service Excellence of the Month recipient for June, 2010, at Cape Regional Medical Center. Elijah was nominated by Nancy McDevitt, Manager of the Cape Regional Ambulance Service, “On June 2, 2010, Elijah Skull arrived at the Medical Center on a personal matter, and on his way into the Emergency Department, he noticed a family that seemed very upset. He asked them if there was anything he could do for them. They were waiting for a family member to arrive at the Emergency Department via ambulance. Elijah spoke to a nurse and found the family a room where they could wait more comfortably. He stayed with the family for approximately an hour updating them on their loved one’s condition. He did this on his own time to provide comfort to the family.”
Elijah was joined by Diana Stover, Vice President of Clinical Services, and his co-workers as he was presented the award by the Service Excellence Committee. Elijah received the Service Excellence of the Month pin, a $100 Visa Gift Card, a Cape Regional Medical Center duffel bag and beach towel as well as a three-month membership to the Fit for Life Fitness Center at the Medical Center.
“Wow, you caught me by surprise!” exclaimed Skull. “I wasn’t expecting this! Thank you so much.”
Elijah graduated from Wildwood High School in 1997, and went on to attend the University of Central Florida from 2000 to 2003. Elijah serves as a full-time EMT in Cape Regional’s Ambulance Service and has been a part of the Medical Center team since 2005.
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…