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Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Christians: Get Involved in Political Discourse

By Anthony Monzo, Cape May

To the Editor:

This letter is aimed at all who identify themselves as Christians, especially the Evangelicals who have such a distaste for the choices available for president, that they decide not to vote. In my view, that is not an option, and voting is more than just a right — it is an obligation.

Our nation was formed in biblical principles that are deeply rooted in our founding documents. Although we are not, never were and will never be a Christian nation, and I am not advocating for Christian nationalism, those who follow Jesus need to understand the proper role of government when it comes to deciding who should be in charge. And while we still and will always live in a world where the presence of sin will never cease until the return of Christ, we also need to do all that is within our power for the common good, and that includes being engaged in the political process.

It is also disheartening that so many churches do not discuss the political issues that are at the forefront of this year’s election. There is no mention of the abortion atrocity, the importance of borders, the decimation of God’s creation with the transgender policies of the Democratic Party and the impact it is having on our children, and the punishment of criminals who are terrorizing our nation. Some take the position that Christians, although living in the world, belong to the kingdom of God, so they do not see the need to get involved in the world’s political system. But others are too concerned about being perceived as supporting one candidate over another, and as a result will offend some of the congregation and lose membership. They may think that speaking out on these issues from a biblical view will inevitably lead to a position that is in line with the policies of Donald Trump, and to them that is unacceptable.

Whether or not you like Donald Trump should not be a factor in your decision about voting, and certainly should not prevent a discussion about the policies that are being touted by our political leaders vying for the highest and most powerful position in the world. The only issue should be whose policies line up more with biblical principles. And although Kamala Harris is flip-flopping on issues such as crime and border security, all you need to do is look at her record and prior statements on these issues to realize she is not being truthful. In addition, her positions on abortion, which she calls reproductive rights, and transgenderism, which she is using to advance the sexual mutilation of children, remain the same and are diametrically opposed to what the Bible teaches.

To those who say that churches should not get involved in political discourse, the late Pastor Tim Keller once wrote in an op-ed in The New York Times, “Those who avoid all political discussions and engagement are essentially casting a vote for the social status quo. American churches in the early 19th century that did not speak out against slavery because that was what we would now call ‘getting political’ were actually supporting slavery by doing so.”

My advice to church leaders and all Christians is to be bold for the truth, fight for life, law and order, respect God’s creation, and protect our children. And if that offends some people, so be it. Jesus once said in Luke 12:51, “Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!” He meant people will not always like to hear the truth, and went on to say that it will sometimes even divide families.

Likewise, when a church speaks out on social issues that are contradictory to biblical teachings, it may divide the church members and pit one group against the other. But much worse than that is remaining silent, which according to Tim Keller can be viewed as tacit approval of the social status quo. Jesus concluded by saying, “When you see clouds beginning to form in the west, you say, ‘Here comes a shower.’ And you are right. When the south wind blows, you say, ‘Today will be a scorcher.’ And it is. You fools! You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the present times.” (vs. 54-56)

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