To the Editor:
My wife and I visit Cape May County quite frequently during the spring and summer. We stay for as many as three weeks during this time. This is the only place we vacation during the year because we love it so much.
I know that tourism is up and that’s a great thing. For vacationers who are on a tight budget, I can imagine that because of the high room taxes in Wildwood, where we stay, that some vacations are cut short or limited in their frequency. It would seem to me that by cutting the taxes somewhat it would encourage more people to visit Cape May County more often.
We have considered moving to the county but even that would be more expensive than we would want to pay. We love all of Cape May County and hope it prospers well into the future.
(ED. NOTE: Taxes include: N.J. Sales Tax, 7 percent, Local Tourism Tax, 2 percent, Local Room Tax, 1.85 percent, and State Room Tax, 3.15 percent. Thus total tax is 14 percent.)
Villas – It's so cold people are wearing 2 pairs of pajamas to Walmart.