January 8, 2025
A new year means a chance for change. Each year, the editor of Do the Shore grabs a dousing rod and tries to sus out what to bring into the...
A new year means a chance for change. Each year, the editor of Do the Shore grabs a dousing rod and tries to sus out what to bring into the...
Shore Musings is a column about life on the Cape from the editor of the Herald’s Do the Shore magazine. Christmas is expensive. I’m no big spender – certainly can’t...
There’s just so much that can go wrong during Thanksgiving, which happens to be my favorite holiday because it is almost completely divorced from consumerism. I know, you gotta buy...
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the sweet siren song that rings loud out of the Walmart in Rio Grande. It sings even now, sweet as ever: Come buy...
The Herald is a labor of love, and sometimes that means scraping by with a 10-year-old point-and-shoot when the budget won’t allow for something fancier. The weapon of choice: a...
My grandparents moved to Wildwood in the late 1960s and tell me that the island once had local stores that could support every aspect of year-round life. You had your...
When my buddies and I trounce around Cape May, skateboards hanging off our arms like lazy fashion accessories, I always think of a New York Times article published in 2003...