June 23, 2021
To the Editor: There are recent moves to pass laws to improve school bus safety. Such is found in one piece of legislation to ban contractors for repeated safety violations....
To the Editor: There are recent moves to pass laws to improve school bus safety. Such is found in one piece of legislation to ban contractors for repeated safety violations....
To the Editor: On Thursday, May 20, 2021 my car was totaled. I was traveling Rte. 9 N when a woman tried to cross the 4-lane highway from Rte. 9...
To the Editor: As children, we ” dream” of what we will” be” or “do” as adults. Some ” dreams” more ” ambitious than others. The things we didn’t dream...
To the Editor: Well, a hundred days have passed. In addition to naming new faces to the entire controlling bodies that we call the Government, it continues to be a...
To the Editor: I am the 14th generation from Cape May County, with most generations living in West Cape May. I grew up here and I really care about my...
To the Editor: As a resident of a wooded development in CMCH, it is not uncommon in spring and summer to be greeted by the sound of chainsaws as I...
To the Editor: I enjoyed your Review and Opinion editorial. Affordable housing can be accomplished quite easily by amending zoning laws. There is little profit in affordable housing. I am...