June 12, 2024
To the Editor: I can only imagine the fear and confusion 12-year-old Opal Lee experienced. Her family had recently moved to a predominantly white section of Fort Lee, Texas. Among...
To the Editor: I can only imagine the fear and confusion 12-year-old Opal Lee experienced. Her family had recently moved to a predominantly white section of Fort Lee, Texas. Among...
To the Editor: Thank you, James Paul Jr. from South Dennis. The senior citizens manifesto was right on target. Why can’t we just “swipe” our cards and get the specials?...
It is the season of celebrating our graduates from high schools and colleges. These students are planning their futures and for many it is an exciting time anticipating being treated...
New Jersey has announced an effort to develop a new, more aggressive state Energy Master Plan in 2024. The plan development has been placed in the hands of the New...
Fishing remains steady throughout the area with nice catches of fish from all overall. The back water, reefs, and beaches are providing action, but some species are starting to get...
Do you love science and history? Do you have a couple hours a week to share that love with others? On Saturday, June 8, the Cape May Point Science Center...
Well, the Memorial Day weekend saw plenty of anglers on the water, on the beach, and on the local rock piles. All the same suspects that we’ve been catching, plus...