Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Wars and Rumors of Wars

Wars and Rumors of Wars

By Amy Patsch

Amy Patsch
Amy Patsch

I try to keep up on world events by checking the internet daily at the BBC and CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) websites. These give me the world events as told from the world’s viewpoint and world events as told from a Christian viewpoint. I find it is a good mix.

All peoples are more closely associated by the internet now than in times past and the news reflects this.  We can see and know of events occurring across the world in real time. It isn’t all good and neither is it all bad but one thing I perceive is that every new day brings us one step closer to the day Jesus will return.

Wars and rumors of wars. Nation will rise against nation. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death. You will be hated by all nations because of me. Many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.   

This is but a short list of signs of the coming of the end times as told by Jesus to his Disciples. And because of what Jesus said, I must be aware of what is happening in the world at large as well as in my little portion of the world. 

This causes me to do an inventory of my soul every so often. Am I indeed ready to meet Jesus if He comes in the next minute? Do I have the faith to withstand persecution if He doesn’t come first? Am I ready to willingly be killed if I will not deny Christ’s deity if it comes to that? Wow, that is a lot of soul searching.

Finally, if I am to be ready for that moment or day when Jesus appears or when those who hate Jesus come for me how should I prepare? 

Well for sure I need to be prayed up to the maximum for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I must have my Bible truth and knowledge in my head and heart because, as in many countries around the world, my Bible could be taken from me. I really need to know and to belong to a fellowship of believers that will aid, guide, and pray for me – and me for them. I must know I can rely on them for prayer when I am weak or distraught.

“But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” This assurance that the Lord Jesus is with me He tells towards the conclusion of His previous statement. The saving doesn’t necessarily mean my life will be spared but that my soul will be saved and persevere in eternity to live with my Lord.

It is a lot to think about all at one time. It can be emotionally overwhelming when I consider how many people I know who are not ready to meet Jesus. My dear family and friends – people I love deeply who at this moment have not considered that the next moment might be their last. It causes me to pray often and sincerely for the salvation of their souls.

Are these thoughts depressing? Not if I truly believe in Jesus as my Lord and trust Him with my life. Jesus’ will for my life is always for the best for me. If I didn’t believe that, I could not survive the things that occur in my life. The only way I have made it this far is that Jesus has watched over my every breath and action and yet, despite my worst behavior, He has thankfully saved me from being my vilest self.

Like you I have been reading daily about what is happening in the Middle East, Europe and our own United States. I pray that the horror of war will cause more people to consider what might happen to their souls if they should die tonight.

That question is a conversation starter people are often asked by those who evangelize on street corners or the boardwalk. “If you were to die tonight do you know if you would go to heaven?” This question has brought many people to consider something they may have never thought about before and that is – why do they need a Savior? This is not a thought that randomly goes through an individual’s mind. So why do we need a Savior? Because we have sinned and fallen short of the glory of our God. We need to be forgiven and restored and only Jesus can do that for us.

Today that is my nudge to anyone who has not yet thought this through. Consider this please – if you die tonight will I meet you in heaven?

ED. NOTE: Amy Patsch writes from Ocean City. Email her at


Amy Patsch writes religious and faith-based opinion content for the Cape May County Herald.

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