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Tuesday, September 10, 2024


South Cape May Meadows Introduces New Boardwalk Trail

Damon Noe
The new boardwalk trail at the South Cape May Meadows

From The Nature Conservancy

In late August the Nature Conservancy (TNC) commemorated a new all-person’s boardwalk trail at its South Cape May Meadows site as part of a commitment to make its preserves accessible to people of all abilities and backgrounds.

The fully ADA-compliant, raised boardwalk is 6 feet wide and just over half a mile long, providing a stable surface that is navigable by assistance-providing devices like wheelchairs, crutches and strollers. Benches and pullout areas along its length serve as rest stops, and a visually unobtrusive handrail on one side offers guidance to users who need it. It is also enhanced with an audio tour, interpretive braille and sensory signs, and a bird observatory with seating.

The new trail allows folks of diverse physical abilities to explore the South Cape May Meadows.

The new feature was funded with support from Jim and Teresa Knipper; it is dedicated in memory of their grandson, Julian Tao Knipper (2017-2020) and, in recognition of their dedication to conservation, local nature advocates Pat and Clay Sutton.

TNC staff, Knipper family and friends, and other nature lovers convened for the dedication ceremony on August 4 with a ribbon cutting ceremony, sign unveiling, refreshments and remarks from:

  • Barbara Brummer, The Nature Conservancy’s New Jersey State Director
  • Mark Gallagher, Vice President, Princeton Hydro
  • Paolo Rodriguez Heyman, President, Renova Environmental
  • Alex Ireland, New Jersey Audubon
  • Sandra Tripoli, Jersey Cape Disability Services
  • Teresa Knipper and her son Jonathan Knipper (Julian’s father)

Everyone in attendance explored the boardwalk (which is still unfinished) to view wildlife and a slice of the preserve’s lush habitat, including a spectacular bloom of rose mallow along a one portion of the trail. Ongoing construction is expected to wrap up by October 2024, with the boardwalk fully open to visitors at that time.

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