Tuesday, January 21, 2025


When Will Enough Be Enough?

By Mary Kugler, Erma

To the Editor: 

When will it end? The greed. The gouging at the pump and stores. The chaos and anarchy. Most importantly, the loss of innocent lives due to gun violence.  

There are those who could put a stop to much of this but won’t. I think the worst is the loss of lives that didn’t even begin yet, the little ones and teens, who didn’t have a chance. Still, they sit on their hands.  

They are so hot on overturning Roe vs. Wade but won’t lift a finger to protect the ones already here. Why? The answer is simple. Find out for yourself how many are being sponsored by organizations, various groups, manufacturers, lobbyists, and dealers. Those who receive contributions for their campaigns and parties. You scratch my back… so we get money, and we won’t change the laws.  

In my eyes, that adds up to the money being more important than someone’s life. Think about it.  

For over 10 years they have been trying to pass better gun laws and they’re always shot down. Most of the time by the same people. You wouldn’t want their investments to lose money, would you?  

This is shameful. How do they sleep knowing they can do something about it, but won’t? They’re using the Second Amendment as a smokescreen to hide their true agendas. To get people on the bandwagon, to push their idiotic theories, to cause dissension, to turn people against each other. For what,so they can have things the way they want them, not how they are supposed to be?  

That’s disgraceful and scary that some people can’t make their own choices, yet you can’t take away the rights of others. How hypocritical is that?  

Please, for heaven’s sake, look behind the smokescreen. No one is taking away your rights. They want to make changes so that people who shouldn’t have guns will have a hard time getting them.  

It’s a good idea to up the age to purchase guns. You have to be 21 to buy liquor and tobacco products, so why not weapons?  

By the way, who needs an assault rifle to go hunting? I don’t question that people enjoy going to a rifle range or hunting. My thing is if you want to own a weapon, be responsible.  

I have great respect for weapons, it’s just that there are those who shouldn’t have them. So many families have been devastated and destroyed. Their loved ones were killed for no reason other than someone’s anger that they had nothing to do with. It’s heartbreaking.  

People are sick of it. Teens, sports groups, teachers, parents, and others have expressed their opinions. Are they falling on deaf ears?  

It has to stop for everyone’s sake. How many more families have to be devastated and destroyed? 

Mary KuglerErma 

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