To the Editor:
We are watching an advance public relations campaign to soften the eventual uproar that will be generated when President Donald Trump will be forced to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. As the investigation continues to penetrate deeper toward the president himself, sooner or later the truth about the administration’s connections with Russia will be exposed.
Therefore, there will be more disinformation generated by the likes of Fox News and internet sites like Breitbart that will seek to discredit the FBI, Mueller, and any other threat to the president and his family, and their holdings.
Mueller has a long and distinguished record of service to his country. In 1968, at the height of the Vietnam War, he volunteered in the Marines, served in combat, and was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart.
In 2001, he was appointed FBI Director by President George Bush and was confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 98-0. He served through the entire Bush administration and for two years under President Barack Obama.
By all accounts (until the recent partisan attacks) he is a man of integrity and honor. Why would people seek to discredit him and his efforts to seek the truth?
I respectfully ask those who think the Russia-Trump connection is a big “nothingburger” these questions: Why has the president not released his tax returns as he said that he would? Why has President Trump never once criticized Vladimir Putin, indeed he has only praised him at every opportunity? Why all of a sudden is the FBI now being described by the president as “in tatters?”
It is my opinion that as the investigation continues, there will be a very strong effort to find reasons to discredit Mueller and to find an excuse to fire him. Should that happen, then a constitutional crisis will occur, and the foundations of our country and government will be severely tested.
Hopefully, this will not come to pass, but I am writing this letter in the hopes that readers will recognize that the stakes are high, and the outcome uncertain; so, pay attention and try to separate fact from fiction. As the Bible says, “The truth shall set you free.”
Cape May – To the Cape May Spouter complaining that the Spouts are no longer "just Good Old Local Gossip, that's fun to read", let me remind them that Pope Francis said "Gossip is an evil…