To the Editor:
This election, we must make an important decision on whom to vote for committeeman in Middle Township. I am asking my friends and family to vote for a young man who holds my values and beliefs.
During my 18 years serving Middle Township residents as mayor and committeeman, we strived for a “safe, clean, and caring community,” open government, and fiscal accountability. Ike Gandy is the kind of committeeman that is needed for a zero tax increase for 2019.
Ike believes as I do, that all areas should have a local representative. Ike has supported studying the right form of government since it was discussed; however, his opponent fought it. It is refreshing for me, to see a young man that has the values that we had enjoyed years ago.
Please get out and vote; these are critical times for our future in Middle Township.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?