To the Editor:
Way back in 1980, a Republican president ridiculed government: “Government was involved too much, and nothing worked.” Today, and especially in Texas, they could use an involved government.
Twenty years back, their (Texas) government went the deregulation route. Things were quiet and uneventful until recently. What happened? Extreme weather happened and the system(s) was not designed property to adapt.
Electrically: They have a single power grid that significantly failed. Other states are cross connected, thus they swing, adapt, and survive.
Water: Texas has a multitude of individual or municipal water companies. They, too, are deregulated and freezing weather took its toll. Unprotected water plants and piping systems froze, and disaster happened on multiple fronts.
For Texas, it was just a matter of time. They were warned 10 years earlier (via energy regulators) as to climate chaos. The state was unprepared, equipment froze at power plants and natural gas wells froze over. With power distorted, the fuel supply needed was disrupted and led to water supply turnoffs.
What happened in Texas can happen anywhere. Politics led to incompetence. This led to utility incompetence via deregulation.
Problem: Voting people are unaware of those they voted into office who also make the rules. In this case, the elected politicians approved the ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas), who focused on deregulation. Deregulation looked appealing and, over time, look what happened.
Can what happened there happen here? Not yet, since we are grid connected or interstate power supply connected. They (Texas) are isolated to one source of supply.
Defining deregulation – an independent free market concept. In a 1999 decision, Texas decided on electing deregulation, a mark-based group of guarantors, transmission companies and energy retailers combined, which they signed into law via the governor (George W. Bush) a free market electrical grid.
However, the system came with few safeguards and fewer rules. Those who ignore climate change do so at the risk of their living environment.
We see more and more of climate conditions, such as fires, hurricanes, flooding, and tornadoes caused by lack of preparation or attention to climate change. Should we ignore people like Stephen Hawking (world-brilliant physicist)?
To consider the rest of our nation other than Texas, a total overall should include the Lone Star State. In referring to infrastructure, the American Society of Civil Engineers has for years proposed an estimate of $5 trillion to $10 trillion to be put into infrastructure. Long overdue and we now pay the price.
For example, some years ago, in New Jersey, a tunnel was proposed and designed to go from New York to New Jersey to relieve pressure on the two existing tunnels at a $10 billion cost (probably $20 billion now). It was cancelled by Gov. Chris Christie. Huge mistake – politics.
When we say infrastructure, we refer not only to grid systems, but bridges, tunnels, airports, treatment plants and the like… we are falling apart.
Are you aware that technology is not supervising your local systems? Check it out and you’ll see how politicians and hacks have crept into vital areas of operations, just like Texas.
You may have incompetents functioning in areas and in place of engineers and/or chemists. All in all, let us try to avoid the Texas experience and be aware of what we are dealing with.
A final reminder to concerned citizens. As a voter, please consider who and what you’re putting in office. These are serious times and climate seems to affect all aspects of our lives. Therefore, if you have inadequate leadership within technician areas, you are at risk. Climate is not a hoax.