Thursday, March 6, 2025


The Big Lie is on the Left

By Mat Toenniessen, Wildwood Crest

To the Editor: 
In his letter to the editor, Kevin McKinney touts his fear of the “big lie” from Trump that the election of 2020 was fraudulent. The actual big lies are what he says throughout the letter.
The first lie is that stopping voter fraud by eliminating same-day registration, early voting, mail-in voting, and voter ID is restrictive and racist. With over 60% of Black voters wanting voter ID, his argument falls apart.
I have to show an ID to do almost anything these days, so showing one to vote should be required, as well, to ensure that only legal American citizens can vote, and only once. It’s time to go back to just one day of voting.
The next lie McKinney tells is that six people died from the Jan. 6 riot. This is a disgusting lie the media and Democrats are perpetuating to make it seem like Trump supporters are murderers. In reality, only one person died Jan. 6 from murder, and that was Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt. She was shot point-blank and killed by a Capitol Hill police officer. The other four people who died that day were from natural causes and they were all Trump supporters. The Capitol Hill police officer the media and the Democrats said died from being hit with a fire extinguisher actually died the next day of natural causes at home.
President Trump also responded within the hour to the riot. He got on Twitter right away and told supporters to keep it peaceful. He then released a video that the media ignored, except for Fox News, that told his supporters to stand down.
The real issue is why Nancy Pelosi, who is in control of the Capitol police and the mayor of D.C., ignored Trump’s pleas and a letter requesting 10,000 National Guard and Capitol Hill police two days before Jan. 6. 
The next lie is that 1 million Americans died because of Trump from Covid. When Trump left the White House, the number of Americans who died from Covid was about 200,000. He got blamed for this even though he shut down the borders in January 2020 and the Democrats and the media called him racist for doing so.
Trump also immediately set up the production of PPE and ordered the funding of vaccines, even though the Democrats and the media said it could not happen as fast as Trump predicted.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris even said they would never take the “Trump vaccine” before the election. If Trump was evil for 200,000 Americans dying on his watch, what does that make Biden where 800,000 have died since he became president?
It’s time to call out the Democrats and their ilk that keep lying about Jan. 6, Trump, Covid, and reality.

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