To The Editor:
A certain local priest recently published a list of the “benefits of liberalism.” Here are some things liberalism has provided, conveniently left out:
The murder of 50 million unborn babies.
The ban of DDT, causing the deaths of 2 million African children annually.
The housing market crash. Architects of the crash, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, and cohorts from Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae such as Frank Raines, profited from the misfortune of homeowners.
14.5 percent unemployment (In July 2009, the Labor Department began counting those who gave up searching for work as employed, so the 9.7 percent figure is intentionally misleading).
Sharp declines in the education levels of our children.
The rise of anti-Catholicism and assaults on the free practice of Christianity and Judaism under the guise of “civil liberties.”
Exploitation of race.
Modern anti-Semitism.
Affirmative Action: government-subsidized racism.
Corrupt union bosses who have used extortion, blackmail and violence, to strong-arm anti-socialist opponents into submission.
A president who not only turns a blind eye toward these tactics, but condones and abets in the Machiavellian “The means justify the ends” mentality.
96 percent of politically-motivated violence in 2009.
Unchecked drug gang activity from across the border, affecting U.S. citizens’ safety and lives.
Militant homosexual movement, intolerant of Christian beliefs.
The National Endowment for the Arts, with its subsidized bigotry against Catholics.
Eugenics, eugenic killing, and “bioethics.”
Experimentation on aborted babies.
The culture of death.
Forced abortions and sterilization worldwide.
Over 50 percent of private industry usurped by an ever-growing government.
Violations of individual privacy, which make the Patriot Act, look benign, including in our e-mail accounts, on our cell phones, and in our own homes, without concern from civil libertarians.
Japanese interment camps.
An unprecedented one in seven Americans in poverty (Examine the most poverty-stricken American cities and discover if liberals ran them during at least 96 percent of the past 50 years).
The progressive tax.
The unsustainable Social Security program.
The destruction of the Social Security program.
Mass destruction of capital.
Class warfare.
The politics of hate and personal destruction.
The global warming hoax, exposed in November 2009.
Elites who dictate personal lifestyle decisions to everyone else, while ignoring their own demands (examples: celebrities who condemn SUV drivers for carbon emissions, while they themselves fly in private jets).
Oppressive taxes on the middle class.
A health care system that subsidizes baby killing, and forces struggling Americans to pay more for fewer services, and that contains end-of-life advisory panels (they are real, no matter what propagandists contend), where bureaucrats judge whether or not you are worthy to visit a doctor and when, and which one you have permission to see.
Dehumanizing government health care rationing around the developed world, where the government decides your worthiness to receive care.
The Communist Revolution, Nazi concentration camps, the killing fields, the murderous, racist revolution of Che Guevera, Cuba’s oppression, the starvation of millions, the murder of 77 million Chinese, and the relentless persecution and death of Catholics in many of these places to this day.
Liberalism led to the term “progressive movement” when liberalism rightfully received the stigma of its failed policies. The term “liberalism” originated after progressivism received stigma in the 30s by promoting eugenics and eugenic killing.
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