To The Editor:
Rio Grande has become a dangerous area, the elements that are walking the streets are not our people.. Our police are doing the best then can and are as frustrated as I am.
The county must stop giving vouchers to criminals that have just been released from prison. Drugs and prostitution have become the norm around the convenience stores and other shopping areas, what a disgrace.
The county freeholders need to review their voucher system by stop filling some motels with undesirables. All applicants should be drug tested prior to be giving assistance, and the released criminals should be made to be sent back where they came from.
The Social Services building should be relocated to Crest Haven along with a county shelter.
Rio Grande can be turned around if the freeholders would consider these two moves.
I can honestly say that as former mayor and resident living in Rio Grande this wouldn’t have been allowed to become so out of control and dangerous.
When I served on Middle Township Committee with Sam DeVico, Jim Alexis, Chuck Leusner, and Bob Hodges, we looked out for all of Middle Township not just Court House where the officials live.
Does anyone think things might change if these types where hanging in their neighborhoods, something would change? It is time that the taxpayers in Rio Grande get involved and let their elected officials know that we have had enough dumping on Rio Grande.
The demand on police services is overwhelming, so now we must hire more. The lack of action is putting our officers in more danger, and this is on the freeholders’ tab for the lack of concern.
The county freeholders need to turn things around, they have the power.
Police Chief Chris Leusner is an excellent leader who is doing the very best he can. I dedicated 18 years of my life serving this great township and it breaks my heart to see what is now going on.
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