To the Editor:
Public Health Week (April 5-11) came and went silently in Cape May County. I would like to take the time to thank all those involved in Cape May County who have helped vaccinate through the Covid pandemic.
County employees, pharmacies, and Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteers have stepped up during this stressful time to help distribute the Covid vaccine to our residents. With the state only giving the county Health Department 400 first doses a week, the county continued to rank number one in the state, as far as vaccinating our approximate 78,000 eligible residents, with the help of everyone.
I would like to especially thank the county Health Department nurses and clerks for the hard work and long hours they have put in to keep the clinic functioning, along with all their other non-Covid duties.
I want to thank the contact tracers for stepping up to allow us to focus on the clinics more, the Community Health Planning personnel for all their efforts and help, the Environmental Health personnel for jumping in at the beginning to help staff the clinic, and the MRC volunteers for showing up week after week and donating their time.
This has been a long, hard battle, but we are starting to win. We have more than 50% of eligible residents vaccinated and there is an end in sight.
Thank you, again, and it has been a pleasure working with each and every one of you. Keep up the good work.
ED. NOTE: The author is the assistant director of nursing of the Cape May County Health Department, as well as a Sea Isle City Council member.