To the Editor:
I have been a teacher at the Dennis Township School District for the better part of a decade, and I have always been cognizant of the fact that I work with some really amazing individuals. Now that I have children of my own in the district, the appreciation I have for my colleagues has reached a whole new level.
I was compelled to write this because I felt that we, as a society, often dwell on the negative, and tend to only speak up when we have a complaint. I think it’s equally important to recognize the positive things that are happening, and there are so many really great things going on every day at our school.
It’s the people who make this such a great place; they are the heart of our school.
It’s the teachers who are deeply invested in the well-being of their students. They work late, come in early, and go the extra mile each and every day to ensure that their students are safe, secure, motivated, and engaged.
And it’s not just the teachers. It’s the nurse whose compassionate care and kindness knows no bounds. It’s the bus driver and their friendly smile and wave that reassures parents that their precious children are in good hands. It’s the staff members who go above and beyond by volunteering their time in organizations like the newly reestablished PTA that has spent countless hours putting together fabulous events and raising money for our school. Also, it’s the PRIDE Committee and the Home and School Association’s members who organize fantastic activities for our kids and families.
My children and I have had too many positive experiences to list when it comes to the staff members at Dennis Township’s schools.
These individuals are going above and beyond every day because they value, and hold dear the children in this community.
As a fellow teacher, but more importantly, as a parent, I wanted to take a moment to let these people know that I appreciate them, and that their hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed. I feel extremely fortunate to work alongside them, and I am deeply grateful for their dedication to my children and all of the children in our wonderful, little community.
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