To the Editor:
What’s the difference between author Mary Shelly’s acclaimed novel Frankenstein and Planned Parenthood (so-called)? First, Dr. Frankenstein, the book’s primary character, was a fictitious being who struggled with doubts and fears after creating a monster of the same name. On the other hand, Planned Parenthood is a very real monster created by people who seem to be quite content with the gruesome business that they are engaged in. Second, Mary Shelly wrote her novel to entertain her readers and also to make money off of its sales. The ghouls at Planned Parenthood are making money off the sale of human baby parts which result from abortions. Third, in the end, Dr. Frankenstein’s demise is brought about by the monster which he created. The demise of the monster that is Planned Parenthood will only come about by cutting off its government funding. It is government money that helped create and continues to sustain such wicked practices. Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein can still be found in most lending libraries since being published about 180 years ago. Let’s work and pray that a quick end may come to Planned Parenthood, an organization that literally has blood on its hands. Do we really want Planned Parenthood or government agencies that refer women to Planned Parenthood in our communities for even one more year?
Cape May – The number one reason I didn’t vote for Donald Trump was January 6th and I found it incredibly sad that so many Americans turned their back on what happened that day when voting. I respect that the…