To the Editor:
I didn’t think I’d write more than once to the Herald, but anti-war protestors of the 1960s chanted, “silence is complicity.” So when a letter appeared in the Herald defending Planned Parenthood, I couldn’t be silent.
The letter’s statistics are intentionally misleading. Planned Parenthood is not 97 percent health services and 3 percent abortion. It’s 93 percent abortion and 7 percent other. They don’t perform any mammograms or cancer screenings. There is huge money in the abortion industry: six figures per clinic on baby parts alone, and they have quotas, and much of that money pays politicians who support it. Beholden to that income, they will defend even the most heinous acts of Planned Parenthood’s agenda, and the industry and politicians will lie. The false statistics come from the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s own propaganda arm.
The article said Planned Parenthood doesn’t sell aborted baby parts for profit. The Center for Medical Progress released videos since the article was written which prove that they do. Video two contains the famous quote, “I want a Lamborghini.” Videos three and four show potential sales of baby body parts. They were discussing ways to make it appear like they weren’t profiting from it so they wouldn’t get caught. So the article was right in one respect: it is against the law. Exploited mothers aren’t given compensation or asked to consent for the sales (also illegal), or even told that the babies may be manipulated while alive for the purpose of selling their organs (also illegal). Curious how for “blobs of tissue,” Planned Parenthood’s term for an unborn baby, these babies have every fully-formed organ other humans do. In video four, the abortionist declares after examining a recently murdered baby, “another boy!”
Planned Parenthood defenders, including the president, say the undercover videos are deceptively edited. The White House said that admittedly without watching them! The Center for Medical Progress makes full, unedited videos available to supplement each video they release. These videos are so disgusting that I can’t watch them in their entirety. Video four shows sale of parts from a headless baby, decapitated ISIS-style by Planned Parenthood. Video five shows butchered-up remains of a viable baby, including its mutilated rib cage and arm. Still intact on the arm is his hand with its tiny fingernails showing its humanity.
Planned Parenthood’s founding and history includes racial genocide, eugenics and deception. We’re a society that comments how deplorable slavery was, the Nazi Holocaust and how we should be civilized enough to never allow barbarism against others to return again. Well, it’s happening in our own country. The victims are the most innocent and defenseless among us. In a civilized society of the future, history will look on us the same as we today look on the Nazis and slave owners. They will say, “How could they allow such inhumane barbarism?” The answer is by doing nothing.
Defy Planned Parenthood’s wishes to keep you ignorant. Get the facts. Watch the videos. You can find them by typing “Planned Parenthood Center for Medical Progress” on YouTube. I can’t watch them entirely for the same reason I can’t watch an ISIS video all the way through. What they do is evil, but watch if you can. Try to tell yourself this is women’s health.
Remember, this is their agenda and that of their supporters, exposed and paid for with your money. After watching, ask yourself, “what will I do about this?” Unless you act, babies will continue to face the same deaths as those in the videos every day. Silence is complicity.
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