Thursday, March 6, 2025


Legalize Recreational Marijuana

By Valerie Lance, Villas

To the Editor: 
I am writing to chime in on the discussion of recreational marijuana that was in the Oct. 3 Herald.
The idea of decriminalization is both a hassle for those being pulled over and a waste of time for the police officers. If a person is obviously under the influence of anything, it is definitely appropriate to stop the car and check. Without known limits, as with alcohol, the limit for recreational marijuana should be zero tolerance.
Marijuana should not be compared to tobacco, but to alcohol. Alcohol and marijuana can change perception, whereas tobacco does not.
Alcohol is highly regulated by the government, which will keep it out of the hands of children. At this point in time, not legalizing marijuana will again be the same as prohibition, and we all know how well that worked out.
Legalization would lead to more tax money for the government and less for the black market. Recreational stores and growing facilities would also create jobs.

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