To the Editor:
This letter is written in response to Bertram Halbruner’s August 31 column titled “Abortion, the Constitution and the Court.”
Dear. Mr. Halbruner:
Frank Sinatra’s mother, Dolly Sinatra, R.N., regular performed convenience (not therapeutic) abortions in the desperately poor Hoboken of her era. You can be certain this in-your-home trade is now reviving.
Interstate travel won’t be acceptable to millions, especially ladies already having minor children or those with an “essential” job.
What every gal knows: men do not step up enough to take responsibility, it’s always her duty to avoid pregnancy. A lot of gals want to keep the baby and he gets another surprise: child support for 18 years. Wake up, promote contraceptives.
Very truly yours,
– George B. Makiver, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania