To the Editor:
In a recent letter to the editor, allegations of disorganization, wasteful spending, unnecessary policies as well as a reference to business as usual were asserted. We would like to respond.
As to wasteful spending, the writer gives no examples. The fact is the Borough has never been in better financial shape. A recent review by Moody’s Investor Service has described our financial position as “robust.”
As to unnecessary policies and disorganization, again the writer gives no examples. For the record, all Borough policies are voted on by all three commissioners.
As to the New Jersey Avenue project, while there were certainly errors made on that project, there was an effort by the entire Borough Commission to correct same. For the record, the borough engineer, public safety, and all three commissioners were involved with and approved the design. Additionally, plans were always available to the public.
The writer ignores significant utility upgrades as being a positive and makes no mention of the popularity and increased usage of the Sunset Lake area.
As to the medians, the public has voted so there is no need to revisit that decision. Please note for the record that Commissioner Don Cabrera and Mayor Carl Groon both supported the project. Although Commissioner Joyce Gould did not support the project, our running together for re-election demonstrates our ability to disagree and yet work together for the best interest of the citizens of Wildwood Crest.
As to our age and years of service, we find it interesting that age and experience are being made an issue, and we would only respond by quoting President Reagan, “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”
As to business as usual, our votes and input were critical to Centennial Park, Sunrise Park, Coleman Callahan Veteran’s Park and an upgraded tourism building. Other positive improvements are visible throughout our community. Additionally, we were successful in bringing a new library to our town working with county freeholders and library commissioner.
No capital project can be done without a commissioner vote and taxpayer support. Please note that public safety is the responsibility of Groon. Gould is responsible for borough revenue and finance. Cabrera is responsible for public works and engineering.
We believe that public input is critical to the future of our great community and we would encourage all voters to review the experience and abilities of all candidates before handing over the keys to a $23 million borough business. Business as usual? It’s a good thing!
ED. NOTE: Incumbents Groon and Gould are running for Wildwood Crest Commission.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?