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Saturday, September 7, 2024


Did You Know?

By Carol Lennox, Villas

To the Editor: 

In 18 days, a baby’s heart begins to beat. In 43 days, its brain coordinates movement. In seven weeks, a baby can hiccup. In eight weeks, its organs can function.  

In nine weeks, the baby has permanent, individual fingerprints. In 10 weeks, he or she feels pain. In 12 weeks, a baby can smile, suck its thumb, and make a fist.  

Over 2 million couples want to adopt, including children of all races and those with special needs. Abortion has never been about “choice.” It’s about escaping the consequences of your choice by taking away the “choices” of the most innocent among us.  

Life begins at conception.  

“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want.” – Mother Theresa, 1994, National Prayer Breakfast.  

Cherish and share life! 

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