In today’s world we heard far more about drug and alcohol problems then the positive contributions our youth are making in Cape May County. Every issue in Al’s Compass Points has merit. The question becomes where do we start when we live in an age where acceptance of underage drinking, and drug abuse is a “part of our culture”. How can we as a community gain ground when many see vacation as a time “to party” and abuse both legal and illegal substances?
Cape May County has many assets. There are faith communities that care and strive to teach values to youth. We have parent groups that challenge where alcohol is served and that alcohol education is taught in their school. We have businesses that contribute to prom and graduation nights to help our teens make the right choice. We have educators who stand on principle and expect the best from their students.
As a community, we need to look at the social norms that dictate acceptable behavior. In our community, underage drinking is not always considered unacceptable and alcohol is not always considered a drug. Current social norms say” it is a rite of passage”, “I did it when I was young”, and “boys will be boys”. Drugs are often acceptable to keep the working going on long summer nights. We get less because we accept less.
Prevention begins with the infant. It takes many sectors of our community to raise and model positive behaviors. Our Healthy Community Coalition and its many members will attest to the importance of being good role models. Our municipal alliances have many community people that volunteer their time in prevention programs throughout our county. What would are communities be like without these folks standing up for what is right?
Cape Assist has made inroads in her 29 years of prevention work. We have seen the tides rise and fall with drug and alcohol trends in our county. We have infused prevention practices into many communities and assistance and services to many. Cape Assist has changed behaviors in youth, parents and even some communities regarding substance abuse. If we had the magic wand and could change one aspect in our county, it would be that residents should expect to have healthy caring kids and families that don’t condone drug or alcohol abuse.
Even our communities are hurting with the rise of drugs and alcohol, we need to highlight the positive good choices that youth make but often go unnoticed. When we acknowledge these choices, we begin to change our communities’ norms
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