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Thursday, October 17, 2024


What is Up?

By Amy Patsch

I have been reading lately about much that is discouraging. Think of the fighting among the politicians of our nation, the destruction happening in Philadelphia caused by young people without direction or personal self-control, the insanity of the debacle in Wildwood caused by adults with seemingly little common sense. It makes me think that we have failed somewhere along the line. 

Is all of this really worse now than it was 50 years ago? 
I was raised in a small town in Western Pennsylvania. We had teens break into our high school and trash the building. We had a stupid twenty-something that was racing his car and killed his girlfriend who was riding with him. The Vietnam War was on which caused many to protest across the country. So, no it really isn’t that different today. 
In our small town there was tremendous outrage when the school was trashed, and there was great sorrow and wagging of heads when the young woman died, but there was less interest in the war protests because they were out of our sightline. 
But now, ugly current events have reached our own back yard.
There are wildly divergent responses and opinions as to what is happening in our world today. My personal opinion is that Satan is up to his same old ways but at a more intense pace because he sees his end time is drawing near. Are we ready? How about our family and friends? 
Have each of us that call ourselves followers of Jesus stepped up to teach others about Him? In our own small way and with what abilities God has given us have we helped spread the words of Jesus’ love and forgiveness? In other words, are we part of the cure for what ails this world which seems to be chock-full of lonely people who feel unloved and uncared for? People who lash out with anger and with the senseless harming of others just because they want or need to feel something – because feeling anything might be better than feeling nothing. 
Jesus loves these people. He does not love their wanton acts of sin and destruction, but He tells us in His word that He came not for the righteous but for the sinners. (Matthew 9:13). Those lost and lonely souls need to know our Lord and Savior. Have they ever even heard His name other than when taken in vain? 
God is seeking the lost and there are so many ways to help share His word with others. Have you checked out what the Gideon Society ( is doing lately? They are no longer just placing Bibles in hotel rooms but are working with young people handing out Life Books for teens to witness to teens. What about Prison Ministry ( There are opportunities to share our faith and help someone to grow in their faith or to become a new believer. Stories of the impact Christ can have on souls now confined and free from the drugs that may have ruled their lives prior to incarceration are plentiful. 
We have a wonderful ministry for teens here in Cape May County, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) ( The staff engages and shares with our local teens about Jesus while showing them that Christian fun and fellowship is a joy. 
How about serving through our local Christian Schools? 
Neil once received a card after doing some small jobs for a widow friend and the saying touched my heart. The printed message was “Time – the most generous gift of all.” Every ministry can use your funds but they will cherish your dedicated time. Ask God and He will direct you to where your skills and/or your funds can best be used to spread the Good News. 
Each of us can do our part to share the word to a world mightily in need of Jesus. It may be that we feel too old to relate to the younger crowd, or too shy to speak out, but one of the leaders of FCA told us, “You might be surprised at how popular you become when you show up to an event with five pizzas and a smile on your face!” 
God has created so many ways for us to witness to those in this world that are desperately in need of Him. Even if we are homebound, we might consider becoming a Christian pen pal to encourage others in their faith.
As we go about our daily living in all the many things we do, if we are speaking and showing Jesus to others, we are part of the cure. This world needs Jesus – the young, the homeless, the widows, the single mothers, the prisoners, the friend next door and even our mailman. 
Everyone in this world will have a better life as we step out in faith with a smile, a hand held out, and a heart full of Jesus to tell them of His love.
ED. NOTE: Amy Patsch writes from Ocean City. Email her at

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