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Thursday, March 27, 2025


The Passing of Our Colleague, Tom Henry

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By Cape Issues

It is with deep sadness that the Cape Issues group acknowledges the passing of our dear co-laborer, Tom Henry. Tom has been a vital member of the team for over a dozen years. His primary area of responsibility dealt with educational issues because his life’s work was in that arena. He had traveled broadly, advising colleges in ways to overcome financial and administrative challenges, and served as assistant commissioner of vocational education in the New Jersey Department of Education, and on numerous other state and federal boards. 

Tom was broadly read and seemed to never forget a fact or a face. His overall grasp of life and facts enlivened and informed our discussions of all issues.  

Upon learning of Tom’s passing, one Cape Issues member wrote, “Tom was a gentleman and a scholar. I met Tom about 10 years ago when I joined Cape Issues. He was soft spoken. He made his point and spoke from knowledge and understanding of the topic. Those were the days when a 7 a.m. meeting was held at the Herald building. He was loyal and committed.  

Another said, “Tom was a warm human being who was so knowledgeable. His intellect was encyclopedic.  

Yet another stated, “We could all only wish to live such a fulfilled life.” 

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