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Friday, May 3, 2024


Speaking in the Light – Always Follow Your Bubbles!

By Pastor Rudy

If every man and woman who are presently reading this article, would just invest the time to carefully study the gospels of the New Testament, I believe that we would witness a spiritual revival and renewal beyond what this county has seen in a very long time. I am humbly asking all of you if you would do me only one favor?
As we embark upon a new year, would you promise to pick at least one of the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John and commit to giving it your full attention and read it with the desire being that you want to see what truths might jump out and stir your very heart? It could very well change your behavior, which in the long run could change your destiny. And when we are changed on the inside, everything on the outside of us is affected by that impact.
Owning a Bible is not enough. Carrying a Bible around is not enough. Even just reading the Bible and knowing enough of it to quote chapter and verse is not enough! It is time we expect to be changed by the word because for far too long we have been chained down by the world.
We pay more attention to what everybody else is saying and we act like it is the opinions of man that can trump the voice of God at any time and that is where we go wrong. God wants to throw a fresh light on the ways that we are traveling to allow us to discern whether it is worth the effort to even keep going that way. Is it leading to adventurous life?
Is it resulting in genuine joy and a contagious faith? Is it going up to a place where your spirit can breathe? There is a story told about a scuba-diver who said that when you’re deep underwater you’re surrounded by an aura of light which makes it very difficult to tell which way is up because the water diffuses the light. Furthermore, having a sense of weightlessness, you have no sense of gravity. As such it is easy to get disoriented and lose your sense of direction. It may even seem that your air bubbles are going sideways.
You may feel so strongly that your perception of up is correct that you ignore your air bubbles and go the way you think is up. One of the things the scuba diver is taught is to always trust and follow his bubbles. No matter what you think or feel, your bubbles are always correct. They always go up! So always follow your bubbles. Always!
Sadly, many people in today’s society are disoriented and have lost their way because they have ignored life’s only trust-worthy guide, the Bible. They put more weight in tradition and rituals and religion rather than just plainly do what Jesus did and follow the way that he modeled for us all.
People make the mistake of submitting to the mantra, “If it feels good, it can’t be wrong!” And even well meaning individuals end up losing precious time because they are trying to please every voice chattering around them rather than just simply obey the one voice that matters most challenging them to come on up!
The Bible describes things as they are. It may not always be politically correct, but it is always relevant and real. Like the scuba diver’s bubbles, the Bible is always right, no matter how you feel, no matter what you think. I think we are drowning in man’s mumbo jumbo! I think we are suffocating in playing way too many people pleasing games. God is calling us to come up to the surface. The Bible is the bubbles we need to get our focus upon.
We can’t improve on God’s plan. The best thing we can do is to get in on it. Every instruction, every command, every nuance, every miracle, every parable, every directive has been given for our good and for our eternal well being. Like the scuba diver who ignores his bubbles, our disregard to God’s Word only leads to cutting off our air supply.
I want to close with the words of a praise song that we sing quite often. I pray it becomes your prayer for air! “This is the air I breathe… Your holy presence living in me… This is my daily bread… Your very word spoken to me… And I’m desperate for you… And I’m lost without you…”

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