Monday, January 13, 2025


Love Does and Bob Goff

By Pastor Rudy

“I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I’m more afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.” This wonderful quote comes from the creative and ingenious mind of one Bob Goff.
In 2012, Bob wrote a book called “Love Does” and because of my affinity for an author named Donald Miller who recommended it heartily, I devoured it in one sitting. Too many Christians just pontificate and theologize about love solely on paper and here was a unique individual who was busily turning his world right side up by applying and being obedient to what God told us would be the defining evidence of our being followers of Jesus.
When God pours his love into the hearts’ of believers, it can’t help but bubble over and bless and baffle all it comes in contact with. I began to share this inspirational best seller with my family and friends which in turn encouraged other readers to live a lifestyle that fiercely seeks out creative and godly avenues to introduce God’s love.
Since my first reading in 2012, our Lighthouse Church College and Career Group called Crew studied “Love Does” on Monday nights and began to incorporate aspects of its teachings into its daily body life and our beloved Bible study teacher Dennis Hall facilitated a Wednesday night adults group through the adventure.
It is the kind of curriculum that must be addressed. It is both convicting and celebratory. It has a message that is supplied to be applied. And it invites the Christian of today to jump into the world of the Acts of the Apostles and never be afraid to live and breathe and explore an environment that is not limited by stuffy human boundaries and outdated church biases.
Remember, nobody made more waves and shook up more traditions than Jesus.
Here is another sound bite nugget from the pen of Bob. “Love is never stationary. In the end love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or keep planning for it. Simply put, love does.”
Bob Goff, besides being one of The New York Times best-selling authors, is also an attorney who boasts that he meets his clients at his office which is a picnic table at Treasure Island in Disneyland, Calif.
With a low overhead, Bob has been able to found such organizations as “Restore International,” a nonprofit human rights group operating in Uganda, India and Somalia. Bob has also become one of the most sought-out speakers in America today.
He brings his contagious enthusiasm to both national and international conferences, college universities and churches by inspiring current and future influencers to get to the ”do” part of life. Choosing to live audaciously, Bob connects to audiences in a powerfully thought provoking and entertaining, yet down to earth manner. The book, “Love Does” has now been translated into ten different languages.
I want to tell you a bit more about “Restore International.” Its purpose is to work intensively and strategically to improve educational opportunities and to be helpful to those in need of a voice and a friend. Restore has worked with Uganda’s judiciary in bringing over 200 cases to trial, as well as pursuing justice, intervention and education for at risk women and children in Uganda, India and Somalia.
Restore Leadership Academy in Northern Uganda educates over 300 students with a focus on character and leadership development. Because of Bob’s vision and the work of Restore International, he serves as the Consul for the Republic of Uganda to the United States.
Bob Goff also continues to be inspired by friendships he’s developed with others around the world who live their lives pursuing strategic ways to help others.
As an attorney, Bob shares leadership in a Washington law firm, “Goff and DeWalt.” He is also an adjunct professor at Pepperdine Law School where he teaches Nonprofit Law, and at Point Loma Nazarene University, he teaches Business Law.
He is a human oxymoron finally giving lawyers a brand-new positive image in that he has fought not to gain the whole world for his own gain, but to give it all away and invest it into the treasures of eternity.
The reason I share this is because God has opened the door for Bob Goff to come to Cape May County during Memorial Day Weekend 2017.
He will be right here in our midst at The Lighthouse Church and I believe this area will never be the same again. One of his favorite sayings is, “We don’t really make friends; they make us.” This is much too big and exciting to keep to ourselves.
The vision is for believers in our area to gather and combine our forces together and pray for God to use this event as an instrument to bring the Gospel to those who need to experience the transforming love of Jesus.
I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself. Part of my joy is because I was told by many that we could never get Bob Goff to come here. Those critics were wrong and we Christians who live by faith know beyond a shadow of doubt that all things are possible with God.
If you’d like to be part of the planning of this amazing venture, please give me a shout. No one church has a monopoly on the love of God. Love isn’t really love until love does and I am calling you to a front-row seat to see what love will do in me and you. 
Check out the Book “Love Does” by Bob Goff on Thomas Nelson Publishing.

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