NORTH CAPE MAY – Due to ongoing construction, the intersection of Amhurst Road and Roseann Avenue remains closed and will remain closed during the week of Oct. 28 through Nov. 1, 2019.
According to a Lower Township Police release, during this closure:
1. The 100 block of Roseann Avenue is still accessible from Bayshore Road.
2. Service Road is closed at Roseann Avenue but is accessible from Heidi Avenue.
3. The 200 block of Roseann Avenue is still accessible from Deborah Street and from Croydon Drive (see next paragraph re. upcoming concrete work in 200 block of Roseann Avenue).
4. The 200 block of Amhurst Road is still accessible from Heidi Avenue.
5. The 100 block of Amhurst Road is still accessible from Beachhurst Drive or Old Mill Road.
Mount’s subcontractor is scheduled to begin construction of concrete curbs, sidewalks and driveway aprons in the 200 block of Roseann Avenue Oct. 28, 2019.
This work will begin at 218 Roseann Ave and progress toward Bayshore Road. This work will affect both the north and south sides of Roseann Avenue.
During this work access to private driveways will be interrupted to allow the new concrete to cure. Residents with special requirements are encouraged to approach the Contractor on site so that access arrangements can be made.
Full closures of the 200 block of Roseann Avenue may be necessary from time to time during the work day while the concrete work takes place.
The contractor plans to work five eight-hour shifts Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during this time period. However, it may become necessary to work longer shifts depending on conditions.
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